Weather Monitoring Stations For Solar Applications

(Monitor plant efficiency, ensuring maximum return on investment)

Weather Monitoring Stations help utility scale as well as commercial solar power plants to capture the data related to the weather conditions. The parameters monitored include solar radiation, temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation amounts and other important parameters. The observations are taken automatically at least once an hour or at a higher frequency, if required.  These stations monitor plant efficiency and ensure maximum return on investment.


Weather Monitoring Stations for Solar help utility scale as well as commercial solar power plants to capture the data related to the weather conditions. The GSM/GPRS data logger enables weather sensors data collection and transmission to internet and to your mobile, making real-time information available at your finger tips without binding you in distances. Lowest energy consumption among its category of devices, helps it run for days without charging. It connects with a small 5W solar panel to power itself and supply power to sensors connected with it. Firmware Over The Air Upgrade, user configurations through SMS, authorization for secure operation and other features make it versatile and user friendly data logger.


IP 65 Compliant Enclosure

High Resolution Data Logger (A/D 24 Bit)

Firmware Over The Air Upgrade

User configurations
through SMS



Weather monitoring stations help utility scale as well as commercial solar power plants to capture the data related to the weather conditions.