The V Series infrared cameras, which includes the V80, V80 Pro, and V90, are the latest Performance Gas Detection cameras from SATIR. Traditional gas detection methods can be complex and time consuming. The SATIR V Series IR cameras, however, can deliver clear and rapid results. It uses the QWIP Detector, which provides a detailed image for both thermal and gas applications. It’s multi-functional detection mode works as a gas detector but also as a high-end thermal camera. Giving the operator different modes to detect areas of concern.
Unlike the standard Sniffer which has been used for many years, the V series can easily, allow the user to identify a leak and track the leak to the source. The V Series thermal camera is ideal for all industries where escape of gases need to be detected quickly and easily to ensure the facility is working to it optimum performance. Such technology has applications in the petrochemical, refinery, firefighting rescue, and oil & gas industries.
Key Features