Flow Meters
Flowmeters are devices that measure the amount of liquid, gas or vapour that passes through them. Some flowmeters measure flow as the amount of fluid passing through the flowmeter during a time period (such as 100 litres per minute). Other flowmeters measure the totalized amount of fluid that has passed through the flowmeter (such as 100 litres).

Positive Displacement Flowmeter
High level of accuracy and precision of internal components keeping the clearances between sealing faces to a minimum.

Velocity Flowmeter
Flexible, configurable flow meter for permanent discharge compliance monitoring using open channel level-to-flow and area velocity conversions.

Coriolis Flowmeter
Highly accurate, reliable and low maintenance mass flow rate technology for fluids is intended for the production of energy.

Intelligent Consulting Services, Seamless System Integration and Smart Turnkey Solutions for Modern Automation

Support for software-based creation of measurement projects.

Technical advice for mechanical sensor integration.